The different ways in which companies deal with technology and the issues that crop up will result in different outcomes. When a business fails to perform backups, it is at risk of losing its internal network and data to a hacker. Even when nothing bad has happened yet, the possibility is still there. Your company is on the line if you fail to act before a problem occurs.
In this article, we cover the essential moves you need to make to avoid running into technical issues as a business owner.
Data Management and Backups for Peace of Mind
Where companies focus on their technology needs, they reduce the number of potential problems that can happen. While technology isn’t the panacea for every issue, failing to protect against the downsides with its use definitely could be costly.
Staying organized by using data management software to perform backups of the network and data storage protects from a business interruption. Anything from a power surge to a power cut to the hacking of the network could cause data corruption or loss. Whether you are using Windows, Mac, or Linux networks, using professional data management software such as P5 Backup or P5 Archie from Archiware is ideal when you need to back up data for small workgroups. This type of software can make use of LTO tape storage, migrate data, or work with cloud storage too.
Update Software to Continually Secure It
The software that’s used in the business is only as good as its updates. When newer versions are released that plug security holes, then updating quickly is essential to avoid a bug from allowing intruders to gain access to the company’s network.
The main areas to be concerned about are as follows:
Desktop and Server Software
Patches for network operating systems such as a Windows Update and Linux Kernel updates are vital to patch buggy code. Along with closing security holes, updates often include small incremental improvements to built-in or add-on features which are useful too.
Enterprise and desktop software used by the IT team or other employees also needs regular updates to the latest version. For example, this doesn’t mean updating to the new version 2.0 release, but it does require updating to the latest 1.x version that handles security holes.
Mobile Software
Mobile users that connect to the intranet need to update their mobile OS (Android, iOS, etc.) to the latest version. Apps can also become vulnerable if not updated too.
Website Software
While most hosts will update their server software, a company using WordPress, Magento or another content management system must ensure they update it regularly, including their core code, add-ons or plugins that extend functionality.
Test Systems Against Threats
Along with running network security software, it’s important to test existing systems for threats. Only by making controlled attempts to get into the network can its security actually be verified. It also provides indicators where security is lacking and requires improvement. If the IT personnel aren’t able to perform these tests, use an IT security firm that can do so.
By paying attention to the important details covered in this article, it’s possible to protect your business from potential threats before they happen. This allows your staff to focus on serving your customers.