5 Questions to Ask a Healthcare Consulting Company

Here’s an interesting fact: the most innovative companies in this world use third-party agencies to help them stay competitive in today’s day and age. It’s not a hypothesis, it’s a reality.

Best companies are able to innovate because they’re able to partner up with the best consultant and web design agency in a specific geographical location in order to create the most powerful and compelling user experiences which will wow and delights its customers.

And the best way to achieve all this is by researching the top healthcare consulting firms around you.

But how do you make sure that you choose the right partner? It’s simple – you ask the right questions at the right time.

Below is a list of 5 questions you should always ask a consulting firm before signing the dotted line.

How Can I Learn More About You Online?

Two critical words that need to front and center in this vetting process: “thought leadership.” If you choose a creative agency to help you deliver on getting new customers and engaging with them in the long term, any experienced healthcare consulting firm will push you towards building yourself an online image. And at the core of an online image lies the power to create compelling copy.

Content strategy is king in 2018. Through content, you attract new buyers, your show your expertise and you prove to your previous healthcare clients that you are a leader in your space.

But if a great healthcare consulting company will ask you to do that, then they should do it themselves, for themselves.

And if they’re doing it, you should be able to see it for yourself.

You should ask any consulting firm to showcase their own thought leadership. You should ask them to share with you their latest articles – either from their staff or their leadership team. You should be able to simply look them up online and find more about who they are, not just on their website but also on third-party outlets.

Bottom-line: look beyond one narrow data point (usually in the form of a sales deck) before you partner with any vendor. Make sure the healthcare consulting company you plan to work with doesn’t only talk the talk, but also walks the walk.

What Are Your Credentials?

Credentials are like a business card – if it’s convincing, you’ll get to the next call.

In the healthcare consulting and web design world, there’s a variety of ways vendors can prove they can deliver on the services they’re offering. For example, they can share previous case studies, references, and work product (naturally, work product that is already public!).

They can also suggest a specific strategy for your unique problem on the spot during negotiations.

Third, it is not uncommon for companies to ask healthcare consulting firms to share the specific profiles of the resources that will be assigned to their account.

Whatever strategy you may deploy, one thing is certain: you need to make sure that you thoroughly look at the credentials of your future healthcare consultant partner. Without that, you may be in for some unpleasant surprises down the line.

What Is The Structure Of Your Organization?

Company structures speak volumes about company culture. They do so at the company you work at, and they certainly do so at the companies you may want to form a partnership with to meet your marketing and design goals.

So when searching for your next vendor, consider asking the final candidates about their structures.

Look for companies that have a flat structure. Flat structure means flexible people and processes. It means companies value collaboration over hierarchy. It means a culture of equality. It means fewer problems down the line.

When you choose a company with a flat structure that means you choose a vendor which has a culture of open and honest communication. And as you will find out, that’s even more important than a design agency’s core competencies.

How Soon Can You Start Working With Us?

This question looks simple. However, we have observed that few marketing stakeholders directly ask this. Healthcare stakeholders are so excited when they find the right partner that they project the wrong ideas from the get-go. Without thinking, they may assume an agency can start working on their project as soon as a contract is signed. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. And the worst thing is that you start on the wrong foot with your newly found partner.

When you choose a new partner, it is important to communicate effectively with them and to make your expectations very clear – especially when it comes to timelines. A misunderstanding with your partner with regards to when they can actually deliver on the task at hand won’t only impact your relationship with that vendor. It could also put you in a bad spot as you make certain internal promises to your own bosses with regards to delivery timelines.

Bottom-line: Ensure honest communication between you and your marketing agency partner about your specific needs and expectations as you prepare to start a new partnership.

How Many Clients Have Kept For More Than One Project?

If you see a resume of a person who’s changing their jobs every year, would you hire them to be part of your organization? Probably not. The same rule applies (or should apply) when you select a web design agency or healthcare consulting firm.

So before you select a vendor, you want to make sure you at least probe into how long other clients they work with stay around.

Usually, if a web design agency is good at what they do, they should see contracts being renewed over time. In consulting, there is always something new and exciting to be done, priorities that change and new work that the executive team is pushing down through the channels. In other words, if a vendor is really good at what they do, you should expect them to stay with their clients in the long haul.

So don’t’ be afraid to ask them point blank about their previous customers and how long these customers stayed around.

If you ever need the services of a web design agency or healthcare consulting company, you need to take your time as ask questions, as discussed above. This would help build trust and give you a sign of relief that you chose the right company to team up with at the right time.

The Use of the Proper WordPress Plugin

A good word in your favor is always good to take and in business, the positive opinion often translates into hard currency.

Before buying a product or using a service, many people consult what other users have said. And if these other users have only good things to say about you, this will influence potential customers in a positive way. More than 90{69d371dc3a7215af1cf70e657e96c7414241106804c5daaddb02eee3606ab22c} of the people who buy on Amazon would never order an item with less than 3 stars. The difficulty here is to ask your users to leave an opinion on your products. And if we relied for this on the best extensions of opinion and customer testimonials? To know the answers read below or follow http://www.simplereviewswidget.com.

Testimonials, WordPress

But before looking for an extension, you should know that it is also possible to add the testimonials to a site manually. In fact, it’s even the best way to do it if you have few testimonials to display and you have the programming skills you need. If not, you will need a plugin to do the work for you. Most of these extensions will help you collect testimonials, notes, and reviews on your homepage, sidebars, product page, order completion, and confirmation and thank you emails. And if your activity is based on testimonials and notes, you should definitely opt for a plugin that does this job for you.

If you take the trouble to go further, you will be able to use testimonials to improve your conversion rates, but also to multiply certified reviews on your online store and even use the WordPress for building a site focused on opinions and testimonials.

We will first see the best plugins to manage reviews on products, then those dedicated to customer testimonials and finally those specializing in ratings.

The best extensions for reviews

Let’s start with plugins that help you add reviews to your site. We will, therefore, review the free and premium extensions that allow customers and visitors to leave a few words on your site about the products or services you offer but also allow you to quickly drop a thumb up or a few stars.

WP Product Review comes in two versions

They are Lite and Premium. The extension adds an appealing review-box to the top of your articles and allows the user to post a comment in comment. It is compatible with Google Rich Snippets, which allows notices to appear on the Google search engine. It’s also possible to improve conversions by adding affiliate buttons for reviews.

If the Lite extension is a bit limited in functionality, you can do much more with the Premium plugin. You can have the review-box pretty much where you want using shortcodes. The number of reviews on the same page is unlimited. The opinion widget itself can be customized for color, size, and borders so that it best suits your theme. More than ten different icons, like stars and hearts, are available to record the votes. If you want to include a comparative table of products, it is possible too. The extension automatically generates comparison tables from existing reviews.

If you sell on Amazon, you will appreciate the integration of the plugin with this platform. It automatically transmissions the product tag, picture, affiliate link as well as the price from Amazon. Plus, if you’ve already collected reviews elsewhere, you can upload them to your site. Recent products or star products may be displayed as side widgets for better discernibility. Users can comment not only on the product as a whole but also on individual specifications. This can help a given user to choose a product that suits them perfectly which increases your conversions.

Important things you need while adding MapmyIndia Map API

Adding a Map API is a small yet important task that can enhance the credibility of your business. Using online platforms has been quite in vogue since the launch of the internet. But with enhancement in technology, the smartness has crept in the way the online platform is put to use. Map API allows businesses to give verified details of the information they put over the web.

As a starter, you may need help in integrating the location API to the web property. So, here is a list of things you must take into account so that you accomplish the task of integrating Map APIs to the website in one go.

1. Permissions:

Use of MapmyIndia API is possible if you have required licenses or permissions in place. There are certain terms and conditions pertaining to the use of MapmyIndia API that you must comply with. Simply nodding to the terms won’t help. There is a list of permission commands available at MapmyIndia site which you can follow for integrating their SDK to the project.

2. Controls:

A static API in the absence of the option of shrinking down or expanding up will not be of much use as the screen sizes of the gadgets are not the same. There are controls required for the proper use of API. Controls like zoom level changes or two-finger zoom are two of the most commonly used controls. This help employs API utility in a user-friendly manner. A location API setting looks good when these controls are made available.

3. Current location feature:

Map APIs must be flexible in terms of picking the current location. While setting up an API, the control must be provided by the user to pick the current location as per the requirement. Alternatively, to save time, the current location should automatically appear on the required field also.

4. Overlays:

To make the API more comprehensive, the arrangements need to be made for highlighting routes, marking landmarks, coding the coordinates or vice versa, and so on. These tools are easily added through simple codes which are provided at the websites of the API developer. The overlays are made more comprehensive with the help of figures, visualizers, highlighters etc something that you can find easy to include in Map JavaScript API.

5. Search tools:

Just marking the location on the map does not serve the purpose. It is necessary to provide easy search solution to the user of API. For this, options provided by the API developer are:

  • Geocoding
  • Reverse geocoding
  • Distance matrix
  • Directions for driving, and so on.

This is why; APIs are rated according to the quality of the document they prepare. Reviewers do take the comprehensibility of the document, detailing of a document, and also its user-friendliness in consideration. Thankfully, MapmyIndia APIs & SDKs has compiled all these requirements at one place and has certainly made the integration of API a cakewalk for its subscribers. Try it if local SEO is on your mind and if you want your website not to lag behind on any aspect.

Author bio

Sonam is a computer applications enthusiast having expertise in user-friendly tools. He is an active contributor to API development forums, works as quality analyst and is deeply involved in enhancing the user experience through dissolving the gap between online and offline worlds.

Best Free And Premium Software For Supply Chain Enterprises

With supply chain enterprises, businesses can source for raw materials and other components that are needed to create and deliver a product or service to various customers. Some applications can be integrated into transportation and logistics for improved performance.

Below is a list of supply chain enterprises software that businesses can adapt to aid the flow of work process inventory from the point of production to the point of consumption.


It is a cloud-based, broad order management application suite that provides record management platform, multiple channel order with an easy accounting solution for its users.

This software can be used by organizations that fall within these categories; wholesale, distribution and online e-commerce, with flexible payment plans available for businesses of different scales. Users of this App have the advantage of easy customer management. The app records all customers’ payment statuses, provides the ability to put financial restrictions for individual customers and an idea of previous customer interactions including sales and quotes.

With EMERGE App, records can be modified, tracked or transferred between sections of the warehouse. Physical and actual inventory is updated automatically when a change occurs. This app provides unique platforms that manage your inventory from sales, purchase to delivery. With this app, users can view the previous price, use multiple units of measurements, group products by categories or brand, create product catalog and set selling price.

EMERGE App also has accounting features for debit and credit note creation, payment tracking customer account generations, and invoice creation. Listed is a summary of the features of EMERGE App; Quotation, purchase order, invoicing, Exchange and returns, Account payables, delivery, customer management, products and costing, reporting, sales order and inventory.

EMERGE App is available for free with a limited offer of 10 sales/order per month. However, for only $29.90 every month, users can get to enjoy the premium and unlimited package.


It is an online platform where retailers bring in and manage their orders. It has a multiple user selling channels that enable users to import data and integrates with several shopping cart app and marketplaces to ensure timely fulfillment.

This software can be integrated with, BI tools, payments gateways, email providers and a choice to add your preferred service or pick up for free. This system gives users the ability to implore an app that tracks, ships and manages data from mobile devices.  Shipstation has the following features; Automatic order recovery from different sales channels, Calculation and comparing of shipping rates in real time, printing labels and packing slips, email confirmation and tracking options, branding of shipping emails, labels and packing slips and processing of your returns with a click of a button.

ShipStation also offers various price plans for different business online retailers to choose from.


It is easy to use premium software for freight haulage management. It provides features such as tracking, booking, analyzing and comparing shipments with carriers. It checkmates downtime, overpayments and it aids orders and turnaround time. Freightview can organize pick up, provide an invoice of lading, thereby saving money and time. Data on each shipment is collected and reported for better visibility and evaluation of carriers by the software.

It provides the ability to view all negotiation charge in a single location, without visiting multiple carrier websites. The software currently only supports LTL freight within the United States and to and from Canada, without any limitation to the number of users you can add to the Freightview account. A summary of the features of this software includes; Product catalog, Print bill of lading, Shipment tracking, Reports and analytics, pickup scheduling, API access, multiple user and location, and direct rates comparison.

Freightview offers a 30-day free trial without requiring you to enter any credit card information, giving you complete control over the shipping processes.


It is an inventory management and enterprise resource planning platform (ERP), which is specifically used by organisations that use Quickbooks and similar programs. As an inventory management software, Acctivate has a number of useful features.  To begin with, it assists companies to manage acquisitions and distributions. It also features oversees monitoring of shipped and packed materials and inventory matrix such as serial number assignment, bar-coding, kitting and project tracking.

The software also features tools for warehousing, shipping, purchasing, marketing, customer service, reporting, and sales.  Other important features of the Acctivate software includes; catch weight management, credit management software, decision support tool, inventory forecasting software, multi-currency, process manufacturing software, traceability, wholesale distribution, and landed cost.

The pricing plan for Acctivate depends on a 3-user base system identified by the client. Interested buyers should contact Acctivate for a price quote.

Halo BI

It is a total business intelligence solution equipped to help businesses generate revenue, improve efficiency and enhance productivity and competitiveness using a dependable up to date data. Companies can come up with smart business decisions from good quality insights from report analysis, which can help guide their businesses to success.

This software enhances the use of some refined technology such as cloud computing, information dissemination, data cleansing, mobile access, big data access, and aggregation. It is an easy to use platform that provides employees with adequate tools necessary to analyze, access and break down information in real time for improved decision making. This enables workers to perform better, thanks to an easy and more seamless process. Some other features of this software include,

Inventory planning, financial analytics, supplier management, demand planning, visualization, reporting and analytics, sales and operation planning, data warehousing automation, delivery plan, procurement, supply chain planning, operations, manufacturing, big data, order to cash and big data.

A free demo is available for this software on request to test if the software is a fit for your business. However, you will have to contact Halo BI for a price quote of its premium services.


It is easy- to- use and cost-effective cloud-based safe procurement management solution made for decision makers and buyers to enable them to to be in full control of their procurement process. This application enables them to control cost, maximize their expenses and manage suppliers efficiently.  You can effortlessly hook up with your suppliers at a reduced cost. This software also helps to obtain equipment from your item database, which can be gotten from other sources such as websites and catalogs based on your specifications.

Budgets and approvals from departments can be set, to give you complete control. Tradogram allows you to establish and put your planning goals, realize your objectives, and be in complete control over your procurement processes.

The purchase order automation feature can create and track purchase orders. Its supplier communication feature negotiates with suppliers through the system, using request forms and the internal request forms can be used to send internal purchase requests to certain persons to complete the purchase on their behalf. A list of other features Tradogram offers includes; strategic sourcing, Purchase-to-pay, inventory management, project management, delivery tracking, customization option and enabling/ disabling any feature.

Tradogram pricing plan offers a free package for single users and a premium package for the enterprise; $15/user/month or $10/user/month (annual billing)

Theses software all aim to aid the day to day supply chain management process of various businesses. Directly, these apps have enabled global networking for managing supply chain and represent an easy to use platform for decision-making sharing and real-time inventory management.

What to Consider Before Choosing an Automatic Feeder

You do not like to get out of bed very early in the morning to feed your beloved cat? You are not the only one. Do you travel a lot too? You will worry about how your cat will live in your absence. Do you also work all day? All these everyday problems can make it difficult to care for your pet. However, it can be easily solved if you get one of the best automatic feeders for cats.

A robot machine for feeding cat food and cat fountains is highly recommended for households in which cats are present as pets. Despite the fact that you can personally feed your cats in your free time and assign a place to place a container with pellets, it is recommended to use a robot to automate this task. The reason is simple: you will not always have time to feed your cat, so automating the task is much easier.

There are so many different types of feeders on the market, and some of them can be programmed and configured using your mobile device. Despite the fact that most of the feeders available on the market will suit everyone, it may still be difficult to choose a particular model that is convenient for the user. To help you streamline the buying process, we have gathered some information, as well as tips on how to find the best pet dispenser, depending on the type of cat and number of animals.

What to consider before choosing an automatic feeder

Before you choose any automatic autonomous non-volatile feed distributor, you need to think about how it will keep your precious furry companion in the correct form. Studies have shown that in RUSSIA, 50 percent of dogs and cats are overweight (this percentage is even higher among adult pets). When feeding troughs or containers used in feeding do not meet quality standards and feed domestic animals in excess, there is a high probability that the animal will face obesity.

Cats tend to gain weight when they eat more calories than they can burn during daily activities. Causes of overweight include:


Low level of activity (or inaction)

Reproductive status

Diseases such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, and Cushing’s disease.


Breeding Method.

Other things to consider:

The number of pets in your home

Before you buy an automatic feeder for cats, you need to consider the number of pets that you have. It is recommended to buy separate automatic feeders for different pets. Some animals may be overly aggressive while eating, and you probably don’t want them to interfere with each other. It also becomes a problem that when eating from the same bowl, animals will receive portions of various sizes.

The size and strength of pets

There are troughs of different sizes; you must be sure that you are buying the right one. Some of them are made for large pets (allowing them to hold and distribute large food), while some are suitable for small animals.

If the animal is overweight, it is necessary to invest in a good product distributor, which has an automatic unit with a timer. This will allow the cat or dog to eat at the right time and just the right amount of food. With this type of feeder, you can feed your pets three times a day (in the morning, afternoon and evening). Given this, it is possible to ensure that the cat remains full and healthy.

Is it suitable for dogs or cats?

Some models of automatic feeders are specifically designed for cats, while others are intended for dogs. Those made for cats can really work for small dogs, but you need to understand that the bodies of dogs and cats differ in dietary requirements and sizes.

Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the market offers so that you can determine the type and size of the feeder.

The number of food

The automation unit of the feeder must be able to produce the minimum number of pieces at any time, for example. Half a cup or thirty grams for each feeding time. At the same time you can be sure that your pets will not overeat.

The feeder must also have a secure nozzle system. Cats and dogs can be so creative that they will do everything to get more pieces ahead of time. And there are some that eat too fast. In this case, you need a feeder, which will give pieces and pellets into several parts for each feeding time. You can find a battery-powered automatic feeder for cats that automatically stops or closes if it notices that your pet is eating too fast.

Efficiency and power of the feeder

What capacity can support the feeder? The feeder of large capacity is not necessary to replenish too often, but only occasionally. He should be able to keep and distribute a suitable amount of food if you have several pets. An airtight bunker is required if products are stored inside the feeder for a long period of time.

Automatic feeders in the online store should pay attention to the shape and size of the pieces of food. Some feeders feed through an intermediate tank called a test tube. If the piece you are using is too large, it may be stuck in the feeder. Round feed does not cause problems, while square feeds can get stuck inside the tube.

Our choice of the best automatic feeder for pets with a timer

From our recommendations for automatic feeders, we chose the WOPET A36 Automatic Feeder – the obvious winner of our review of the best automatic feeder for cats. The device is quite simple to use, and also suitable for dishwashers. It has an accurate digital timer, and also allows the user to program meal schedules for their cats. This may be ideal for cats that have special dietary needs to prevent overweight. Automatic feeders for cats, which were viewed with the WOPET Automatic Feeder, were flawed according to some characteristics. Some of them are not suitable for a dishwasher and subject food to pollutants. Some lacked a backup power supply and adjustable parts.

The Power of Advertising Products

Businesses around the world spend millions and billions to promote their company on a national and global scale.

In fact, despite the prevalence of technology in this highly digital world, a 2015 study shows that advertisers spent about $600 billion in 2015 alone simply to market their products and services.

In the field of marketing, promotional products are considered some of the oldest forms of advertising. With cheap printing services available in Brisbane, there is no denying the power of these products to persuade, influence and change the perspectives of customers, investors, and the public.

Print Is Still Relevant

According to branding expert Jerry McLaughlin in an interview with The New York Times, individuals are more likely to respond when they are given tangible items that will allow them to remember who gave them the specific objects.

Today, this type of strategy is still widespread in the industry. Besides giving out traditional flyers, brochures, business cards, most suppliers and manufacturers in the business also explore printing signs for events, banners, and other print ads.

Numerous studies show that constant exposure to these marketing materials ramps up consumer purchases. Why? Not only do these printed ads pique the curiosity of potential customers, but they also help establish continued patronage of existing consumers through retention in their mind. Besides boosting the sales of a business, these items draw the attention of the people to the quality of products being produced by the company.

With businesses looking to boost their visibility, engagement, and relevance in the industry, it comes as no surprise that there are many who are looking to amp up their game. In fact, more than being remembered by a specific target audience, companies are now looking for ways to connect with their target audience. To achieve this goal, here are some tips to consider:

· Do Your Research

Before jumping to big ideas and investing in various items, it is best to have a thorough research. This includes the unique vision and mission as well as the specific target market of your company. More than the image companies wish to project, these corporations should aim to gain the trust of the consumers.

Likewise, you should research your competitors to find out their strategy and milestones in the industry. In turn, this familiarises your company with the trends in the industry and the methods that are proven to work well.

· Differentiate Your Company

To truly capture the attention of the people, make sure that your company’s ideas go well outside the box. This assures your customers that you are not afraid to take risks nor disrupt the common and mundane cultural and societal norms.

A case in point: Apple. The tech giant’s marketing principle is so simple yet so effective. How come? It’s because of Steve Jobs’ legacy to the tech industry – better user experience.

Aside from their minimalist design in their promotional items such as posters, banners, and other signs in their stores, Apple provides a unique first-hand experience to their customers. The company enables their patrons to use their top-of-the-line gadgets in their chain of retail stores. This strategy effectively bridges the gap between reality and fantasy. Since interested individuals can try and explore their newly released products, they are more inclined to walk out of the outlet with a new purchase.

By opting for products that connect the manufacturer and consumer, you are not only appealing to your consumers’ emotions, you are also engaging them on a more personal level.

· Choose Personalised Products

The traditional way of advertising your business usually includes a big logo and your company name. However, since your goal is to woo potential customers, customizing your approach be the best. One way to do this is by putting your clients’ names on your promotional items. This way, they can associate a sense of loyalty and trust in your brand.

· Skip the logo

People who received items with ubiquitous signs and logos tend to be turned off by what they see. Not only are these images eyesores, printing them on your packaging or promotional materials also creates the impression that you are hard-selling the product. To make these more helpful and useful to your clients, see to it that the items you give provide additional value to their daily living without the sign that they ‘were sold’.

With the right tools and a carefully curated selection of promotional products, your company can also reach the heights of success.

Advertising and marketing can be tricky to navigate. Some companies who fail to adapt to these very competitive fields. But because of creativity and determination, some brands like Apple and McDonalds were able to reinvent themselves in their respective industries using the tips above. These businesses can be your inspiration to succeed in print and other forms of advertising.

Author: Carrie Sze

The 5 Key Things Blockchain Recruiters Wish Their Applicants Knew

Salary tracking website Paysa – link below – shows just how much those in the BlockChain industry are getting paid. For recruiters, hiring BlockChain developers involves more than just getting someone with the skillset. Business hiring employees for their foray into the new technology are looking for people whose skills transcend coding – those capable of offering a bit more on an individual level than just lines of script.

Below: Wages in The BlockChain Industry – Source; Paysa

Source: https://www.paysa.com/salaries/blockchain

So that you don’t come out of that next interview with a disappointed look on your face,I sat down with a real-life BlockChaindisciple, Ben Green of the specialized recruitment company BlockChain people – an agency designed to position the right candidate with the right position in exactly this industry. Ben has seen people who get it right and people who get it wrong. He says there’s something to learn from both camps.

Based on our discussion, here are some things to keep in mind, if you’re in the market (or considering a move to the market) for a BlockChain job:

1. Versatility& At Least Some Experience With a BlockChainProject

Ben says there are two main avenues through which applicants can find a position for themselves. First, there are internal projects, during which large companies take some initial small steps to experiment with a BlockChain, in order to see if there is an opportunity for them. Second, there are smaller startups who have a specific, often funded idea in mind and are raring to go. Both of them expect some essential skills on your resume before they even consider you for an interview.

It would be a misconception to believe that there is only one suitable language for developingBlockChain and related apps. In fact, there are roughly five(depending on where you draw your line) recommended language in all:C++, Java, Python, Simplicity, and Solidity. Each of these languages is great on their own and having skills with common vanilla coding capabilities like this are table stakes. As you probably know from your own experience, seeing things from the perspective of more than one language allows you flexibility of thought when you need to solve a complex problem. You can decide on how to go about the building of frameworks, know what language would suit the needs of a company and other such technical details.

2. Complete Skillset and a Passion for the Industry

A seasoned BlockChaindevelopershould also be a well-rounded person, according to Ben. Many BlockChain developers are only versed in the development and creation of BlockChain apps, and nothing more. To be considered a full-fledgedBlockChaindeveloper, it would be necessary to know a little about every other thing that goes into making the BlockChain platform work. That includes, but is not limed to Design thinking, DevOps and ContinuousDelivery operations.

Perhaps even more important, according to Ben, is a clear, stated and demonstrated a passion for the industry and the technology it’s developing. There are a growing number of University courses and other formal education opportunities which are available to people who want to skill up. They can be expensive – but if you really care, numbers in the small thousands of dollars to attend one of these courses probably won’t bother you. Perhaps just delay your acquisition of this year’s $2000 iPhone!

A cheaper, but no less effective way to be an exemplar of motivated inquiry is to get out and meet like-minded people in the community. MeetUp events are free to attend and, often, in a geographically limited area like a town, the community is small enough that you can get to know, and pick the brains of experts in the field who share your interest.

Every little bit helps and if you and the interviewer know some of the same people – or better yet have met at one of these events, it can really set you apart.

3. Platform Knowledge and the Ability to Articulate the Commercial Opportunity of What You’re Developing

One of the biggest problems firms’ face, when they’re ready to deploy BlockChainservicesis what platform to do it on. Given that there are a couple of them out there, a recruiter would want to know that the person they are hiring is not just familiar to one.

Examples of BlockChain frameworks include Hyperledger Fabric from Linux, Ripple, R3 Corda and of course, Ethereum. But a few hours of research will give you a starting point to explore which of these most interest you. The information is freely available online and volumes.

The key, according to Ben, is to make sure you can justify the use of a platform in line with the firm’s needs – and importantly, can explain in clear terms ‘where the money is’ for the startup or existing company which is investing in your skills. Every business is there to make money. Make sure you can join the dots from your contribution to their dollar signs.

4. The Ability to Evangelise&Explain Yourself

A large proportion of the personnel at the company you could potentially be working for, may not know the first thing about BlockChain and the BlockChain technology. Senior management may have received some good (and expensive) consultancy advice on how BlockChain drives innovation.

Most other people, especially in existing, larger, organizations, won’t have a clue. That means they will be unfamiliar with the terms, the opportunities and may even see the situation as a threat. Hiring managers are looking to you, to help do the explaining.

The trick is knowing how to take the complexity of BlockChain ideas and convert them into pure English which can be understood (to a reasonable degree) by anyone you talk to. Analogies and stories which extend the recipient’s existing knowledge are the best way of getting your point across. Drop a couple into your interview. If you understand the ideas clearly enough and can get them across to your counterpart (the person with the job!) you’ll be streets ahead by the end of the interview.

You should be able to call upon such terminologies as hash, consensus, decentralization and distributed ledger technology with as much ease as you would describe last night’s episode of your favorite show.

5. Get in Early

Ben says that the earliest jobs, the positions in the highest demand are the ones on the market now. In time, other, more standardized (less dedicated to BlockChain’s technology side will be around – Marketing Director, Finance Managers, Sales Managers and so on.) By the time they show up, the increases we’re seeing, in BlockChain wages will be over.

Researching the components we’ve described above, networking so you know the community and being able to confidently articulate the ideas you’ve imbibed is what will get you to interview and beyond. If you want to make the most of the situation, start soon, says Ben.

Business Reach Has Become Easier with 360 Video Production Companies

At present, most of the people are using the internet and viral marketing techniques to grab the attention of the customers. 360 videos are an engaging type of videos, which has become popular with the likes of YouTube and Facebook. By this technique, a viewer can move around the camera without any limit. Initially, it was started for security and investigation purpose but when YouTube 360 video and facebook 360 video facilities came into the existence, from that time it has become the trend. Mostly, now it is used in the advertisement. It has more potential to get the attention than the traditional web methods. Anyone can easily take the help of 360 video production companies who are qualified professionals and specialized in this field. They completely understand the client’s requirement and accordingly perform their job to make them happy and satisfied with their best services.

360 video and the virtual tour is easily accessible also, it has a huge number of benefits such as –

1. A simple way of interaction –

These videos are one of the simple and interesting ways of interacting with people and sharing the idea in short duration. It has the power to grab the audience’s attention and a unique way to promote the business.

2. Saves time and economical –

The finest way to catch the attention of the people across the world in a simple click. Investing into it and contacting the 360 video production companies who are excellent in making the virtual tour, saves the time and offers their services at such an affordable price, which is actually cheaper than few of the advertisement methods are.

3. No requirement of specific software –

These videos can be made by the professionals’ companies hence no need to use any software or any IT skills. In short, no specific knowledge is required.

4. Informative –

This virtual tour related videos are full of information with clear content. It is also known as the latest marketing tool, which is enough to impress the audience and it will last long in their mind.

360 video production companies offer a complete solution for business promotion and advertisement with so much ease with flexibility.

Perfect Gift for the Big Kid in Your Family – Your Husband

If you are married to a big kid who likes the latest gadget on the market and his birthday is coming around – here is the perfect gift for him. He will love this self-balancing scooter. It is designed to look like it is some gift from the future. Your big kid will just love it.


Here are some features of this scooter:

  • Self-balancing innovative technology for a safe as well as comfortable ride;
  • Perfect for navigation quickly on uneven city streets;
  • Hands-free controls;
  • Uses an 800-watt integrated battery that is rechargeable;
  • Maximum speed: 10 mph;
  • Maximum range: 12 miles;
  • Metal/plastic/vinyl;
  • Spot clean fabrics; frame wipes clean;
  • Measures 21.5 inches long x 10.3 inches wide x 37 inches high;
  • Weights 28 lbs;
  • Imported;
  • 1-year limited manufacturer’s warranty;
  • Model 09992-00001.

The specific notes on this product include:

MiniPRO260 Self-Balancing Scooter is an innovative and safe way to move around comfortably and quickly. This personal transporter is hands-free, stays upright using self-balancing technology and is perfect for navigating uneven city streets.

  • Vendor shipping details – gift packaging unavailable;
  • See discount price in a cart;
  • Free shipping.

There are also two other items that have the look of the future. These include:

Xprit Hoverboard and Hoverboard with Scooter – your big kid will love any one of these three items.

  • Max speed: 12 mph; last about 12 miles;
  • Time for Battery Charge: 2-3 hours until charged fully;
  • Maximum weight is 165 lbs; minimum weight is 45 lbs;
  • Quick and easy balance.


If your husband lives close to work this could take the place of a car for work. Would save on payment, gasoline, and other maintenance. It is also great for rides in the countryside, while you jog along, then you can switch going back. Or better yet why not buy two. These would be perfect for the park or countryside for an afternoon ride together; quality time.

Use of cobots in logistics

Collaborative robots have in the recent past made inroads at most of the globally famed logistic companies. This type of robots can accomplish numerous tasks which have minimal added value while cutting down on the labor requirement of your enterprise. Thinking about incorporating cobots in your logistics company? Read on to find out more about the use of cobots in logistics.

Logistic automation refers to the use of computer software and machinery to increase the efficiency of logistics operations in a distribution center or a warehouse. Logistic automation comprises of different software and hardware components such as;

  • Fixed machinery

Fixed machines such as cranes allow for a stock to be stacked in many levels vertically. This creates better utilization of the available space. Automated conveyors allow the movement of containers from one station of the warehouse to another.

  • Sorting systems

This system is developed to facilitate the distribution of large volumes of packages at a faster rate than the automated conveyors.

  • Weight checkers

Motion weight checkers are used to gauge products on the basis of its weight. Those products that are found to be underweight are rejected to ensure that your clients get the exact amount of the product they ordered.

Can cobots be applicable in a logistical perspective?

Research shows that although the deployment of collaborative robots in the logistics sector is still restricted and requires adjustments, the continuous technological advancement assures people of the development of a robot that has the capability to operate in varying logistical foundations.

What activities can they be used for?

Collaborative robots help bring efficiency in your enterprise by taking over repetitive and tedious tasks such as packaging. They also help out in the automation of value-added activities in logistics such as labeling or limited assembly. The difference in the various activities involved in the supply chain presents a challenge in automation. Technological advancements are trying to overcome these challenges in;

1. Loading and off loading

The different types and shape of packaging boxes have in the past made automation almost impossible. Cobots with their 3D vision and software advancements have been able to execute the task efficiently by identifying the different packaging and determine how to optimally load or unload the product.

2. Custom packaging

You might need to get some of your products into custom packaging before they are sent out into the market and this was particularly difficult for industrial robots as it involves packages of different sizes and shapes. It also means working in the same environment where there are people and cobots are best suited for this as they are designed to work safely alongside human beings.

3. Stationary piece picking

Robots increase efficiency in the warehouse by helping out in the sorting out of products. Vision systems installed in cobots have enabled them to differentiate the items in a stationary workstation.

Benefits of logistics automation

Some of the benefits that you should expect once you automate your logistic and movement operations include;

  • Registering of shopper’s information as soon as they post their orders. Automation facilitates the condensing of information regarding all the orders made enabling fast delivery of the products to your clients.
  • Updating of the database to register the freight requirements such that one can easily locate and retrieve goods.
  • Identification and mapping of the best route at all times.
  • Quick dispatch processing where goods can be easily identified by the use of scans and then fed to the conveyor belt, sorting machine where automated cranes pick them up for storage and transport.
  • Management and handling of records for easier retrieval.

Cost recovery period

Unlike industrial robots, collaborative robots tend to be a bit cheaper reducing the recovery period of the initial investment to 1.7 years. Cobots are attractive to people because of the flexibility of the cobot as it can be applied in more than one production line and your extra human capital can be left to focus on other complex and demanding tasks.