New and Major Benefits of Deli POS Software

No matter where your deli is located, you will need help choosing the best POS system when you are looking to upgrade your existing cash register or point of sale. This information will explain major benefits of deli POS software and what features are most important to help your deli become more successful and much easier to run.

Helps deli grow

Your POS system can either be a tool that is reliable and helps you grow and manage the deli effectively or nothing but an expensive hassle. POS systems change and improve every year.

Changes entire business

An example, using an iPad as a POS device has changed the entire business when it comes to cash registers for small enterprises. You are no longer required to sign a long-term contract and indebted to use expensive, outdated propriety equipment.

Only minutes

It takes only minutes to connect to a standard cash drawer and well-matched networked printers. Easy to operate and almost never malfunctioning, iPads are widely available both used and new, so users enjoy a great consistency to affordability ratio.

Tablet point of sale

POSTER is a Point of Sale (POS) tablet for delis, shops and cafes. The POS application will work on laptops, Android tablets, as well as iPads, which reduces the original cost greatly. A poster has large useful features and is an excellent value for money. These features include but are not limited to stock and financial control, bonuses, discounts, and promotions situations, fast food mode, built-in reports customizable, and map on floor section and storage supply notification. It is easy to set up and takes just minutes. You will be on your way to saving money and time before you know it!

Off or online

The software is equally reliable online and offline. Temporary losses of internet access will not stop your deli from working – you can continue doing business and get receipts printed out. All offline orders will be combined in the cloud and you will be able to see them in the management console after the connection is restored. All resources will work for your business. You can select password protection for actions that are needing innovative security, like making discounts, removing order items after printing a receipt and more.

Barcode scanner

Deli managers can connect a barcode scanner to POSTER POS to start taking orders faster. You can add goods, scan barcodes and discount cards and more. The software also supports Motorola Bluetooth scanners. What is more, your customer can split payments into parts, paying cash or by credit card or gift as they choose.

How to Prepare for a Meeting on the Go

If you travel a lot, or you have a long commute to and from work, chances are that you have a lot of time to think on the go and that your free time at home is limited. That used to be a problem for people who need to prepare for important meetings.

However, thanks to the modern technology and the ever-improving internet connections, there are numerous productivity options for the people on the go, like, a personal assistant integrated into the app most of us use on a daily basis – Facebook Messenger. Simply send notes to yourself as ideas come to your mind, and you can sort them out later on when you return home.

Determine the Purpose of the Meeting

The first thing you need to have clear is the purpose of the meeting. Different goals require different meeting types and you need to be clear right from the start what you want to achieve with this meeting. It will also help you figure out what resources you will need and the duration of the meeting itself.

The purpose of the meeting can also determine how the decisions will be made. If you have an important decision to make at the meeting, you can choose a majority vote system, where everybody gets a vote in the matter, or wait until the group has debated the issue and reached a consensus. Finally, you can opt to leave the decision making to the boss or the manager.

Figure Out the Time and Place of the Meeting

If your company has a dedicated meeting space, make sure that it is available at the time you wanted to have the meeting. Similarly, you will need to make sure that the time of the meeting doesn’t clash with any other meeting or other obligation you or other participants in the meeting have.

Decide about the Participants

A successful meeting should only include people who are integral to the completion of the goal of the task. There is no need to gather the whole office if only a few people need to be in the loop. What’s more, the chance of being interrupted by superfluous questions and unnecessary tangents increases with the number of people attending the meeting. Naturally, you will need to inform the prospective participants about the meeting well in advance. It would be ideal to inform them in person, but if it is not possible, a memo is equally effective if less personal.

You do, however, need a few key people at your meeting. First of all, you need a presenter, someone who will start and steer the issue forward and in the right direction. More likely than not, that will be you. If you are not a part of the higher management with the ability to decide in the name of the company, you will likely need a person who has that authority, whether it is your boss or some higher up manager.

Another person who is very good to have a professional meeting is a scribe, someone who will be able to write down the key ideas and conclusions of the meeting without going into too much detail. It will be useful later on if you need to brief someone about your meeting.

If you are dealing with a topic you are not necessarily an expert in, bringing in someone who can provide details and special knowledge to the table is a valuable member of the team. Finally, you will need someone who can come up with a fresh perspective and ask all the right questions.

Prepare Your Own Notes

A lot of people who need to give a presentation rely on a computer and create a presentation using one of the many available presentation programs. However, don’t let that list of slides be the star of the show. Technology can fail you, especially if your company uses hardware and software that is a bit outdated.

Instead, make sure that you have at least the majority of what you want to say safely stored in your head. Sure, computer presentations can help, provide great graphics examples, but they can’t tell the full story. That’s where your oratory skills come in. Make sure to have at least two possible scenarios in your head and a proper response to either one of them.

Create a brief handout outlining the key points you want to cover and distribute it to every participant in the meeting. They can use it for additional information, for clarity, and even to write down any questions they may have and want to ask you. Your handout should be a bit more detailed, as you will likely have a lot of material to cover.

Holding a meeting is often a lot of pressure, and it can be even worse when you can’t prepare properly. Fortunately, with modern technologies, any place you are can become a brainstorming area.

Smart ways to save money on office supplies!

Every month, your office needs a considerable amount of stationery, ink cartridges, and other supplies, but that doesn’t mean you have a keep a massive budget for your purchase. In this post, we will discuss some of the important suggestions that can help in saving money on essential office supplies.

  1. Shop online. Online vendors usually have lower overheads than regular retailers, and therefore, they can always offer better discounts for most products. Check websites like ca that stock most things that are necessary for offices. Also, you can find some products in the sale section from time to time, which entail even better offers and deals. Online retailers also take requests for ‘out of stock’ products, so if something’s not available, you can always request the same.
  2. Get in bulk. There are certain things that you will always require in bulk – Think of pens, printer cartridges, papers, a point of sale supplies and toner cartridges. Always buy in bulk, because the discounts tend to be better. If you know the supplier well, you can get a special rebate price for wholesale orders. The only practical problem that you must tackle is storage, which can be managed with some arrangement.
  3. Go for quality products and equipment. No matter whether you are buying chairs or printers, always shop for quality and branded products. Yes, some products, such as pens and notebooks, can be generic, but for things that are going to be used in the long run, branded ones are always better, because these last longer.
  4. Reduce printing. Today, a bunch of office jobs and work can be automated and completed on a computer. At times, printing is necessary and unavoidable, but that’s it – do not print everything. This is not only about saving some money on supplies, but also for a better environment.
  5. Check for codes. Many online stores have codes and coupons, which can be used for an additional discount. Use these codes for getting additional rebates on your order. Some coupons are ideal for bulk orders, while others are applicable for a specific brand. Do note that these offers are usually for a limited period, so you may want to place the order instantly.

Finally, reuse what you can. A simple example would be of a pen – If you replace the whole pen, the cost is higher than replacing the refill. Check online and start shopping right away!

Key Performance Indicators In Performance Management Software

Modern organizational environment demands constant efforts to achieve and enhance performance and the business processes are aligned in such a way as to ensure that the employee goals are coordinated with that of the organizational goals and objectives. Rather than following the once a year appraisal method, which is considered both old school, a regular review system is better embraced by organizations. Performance management software is the solution that can be used to monitor and manage all the performance related issues.

For software to be functional, the need to identify certain key performance, indicators arise. These indicators are important, as they are relevant to both the employees as well as the organization. A performance management software crucial to organizational growth measurement because of the simple fact that at the organizational level, the growth indicators must be expressed in measurable numbers and such huge calculations cannot be done effectively through a manual system in place.

While it is impossible to ignore the importance of performance indicators for business success, the indicators are equally important for supervisors and employees to identify and define the growth indicators for team excellence. Aligning the employee objectives with the company strategies may also be possible through a software solution where the indicators can cascade from higher to the lower levels of hierarchy.

An individual employee goal can be linked to the organizational strategy through the following steps:

  • Identify Organizational Vision: To emerge as a high-level customer service and satisfaction provider in the market.
  • Identify Organizational Objective: Take effective steps towards reduction of the percentage of dissatisfied clients.
  • Identify Organizational KPI: Determination of the number of unresolved customer complaints at the end of every week.
  • Individual Employee Goal in a Team: Improve the percentage of customer complaint resolution on a weekly basis.

As per a popular saying in management practices, ‘what is measured gets done”, a performance software solution needs to have tools incorporated to identify and align the goals of the employees with that of the departmental strategy, and later with the overall organizational strategy.

A Look at the Rise of Cartography in 3D

Whenever people discuss something amazing that they have seen that has been computer-generated in 3D, oftentimes, they are talking about something that is rendered to offer a realistic view of the world. These are often scenes that include ambient lighting, ray-tracing, as well as reflective surfaces. This makes them look very much like the actual world in the way that they are rendered that the viewers can even feel as if they can touch it.

While a view like this is quite useful in terms of conveying specific geographic information as in the case of proposed cityscapes that are meant to be implemented in the future, it is important to note that this is not really the appropriate way to get everything rendered. In the same manner that not every single map is composed of an aerial image, not every 3D view is an attempt towards recreating the actual world.

Users of the GIS technology like Hassan Sadiq Himex share scenes and maps with a common goal in mind- to be able to communicate and share spatial information. The careful use of 3D thematic symbols can be as effective and even possibly more effective when compared to using the same techniques in 2D. Thematic symbols in 3D offer a more representative ad simpler display that can help provide an easy visual understanding of the specific elements in the map that are important and should be focused on.  Using 3D provides the advantage of showing an element as a representative of something without the need to have to explicitly state in the legend what it is.

Back then, cartographers have to limit their work to 2D. As a result, they managed to come up with various experiments in the use of classifications, colors, and symbols to come up with ways that they can get spatial information communicated effectively. The presence of medieval maps that showcase a bird’s eye view of a specific setting is proof that people that have already grasped what the third dimension is. That is even before they actually had all the tools necessary to fully utilize and explore it. Today, everyone now has access to these tools. As a result, 3D cartographers now have the advantage of working with the fascinating third dimension.

Mapping and cartography in 3D have numerous applications across a wide range of industries as well as in academia and the government.

Urban planners use 3D to come up with scenes that will showcase how visibility, sunlight, and other elements are likely to impact proposed developments in specific areas.

It is also a useful tool for facility and building managers. These days, the interiors of buildings as well as their exteriors can already be mapped through 3D technology. This ensures that navigating museums, campuses, sports stadiums, as well as other public venues are now more informative and immersive.

It is a useful tool for social scientists too. Massive datasets are very useful in the success of 3D visualization. Thus, making it easier to represent data and information in a more comprehensible and understandable manner on a map.

Learn more about the rise of 3D modeling and cartography by reading about Hassan Sadiq Himex online.

Are you making these mistakes while buying Ark Survival Evolve Servers?

If you do not have a reliable Ark Survival Evolved Server, then you could be wasting your time losing all your achievements, repeating it all over again and losing everything again. If you are new to Ark Survival Evolved or to the online gaming itself, it would be useful to spend time understanding a bit about the game you are playing and the possible challenges you are likely to make. Most importantly, when you are buying your Ark servers, you should make sure you are not making any of these common mistakes.

How long has the hosting company been in business offering game hosting services? Before you buy Ark hosting, you need to make your own quick research. The more you know about your hosting service provider the better it is for you. If you try to use brand new services, you have no history to check. How would you know whether the gaming servers you buy would not have lag or that it would not frequently kick you out? If you choose a company that has been in the industry for long enough, you would have customer ratings and reviews to check before signing up. Numerous gamers have saved themselves from risky services just by paying attention to this detail and you should know people get burnt too by ignoring this step. If you want to enjoy a good gaming experience, do not make this mistake.

All game servers are not made equal. When you are planning to sign up for your ark server, you should make sure to check the server configurations. You should know what exactly you will be getting. Just because the tag says Ark server hosting you should not blindly sign up. In case you think you are not adequately equipped, it is not a bad idea to gather some information. Visit online forums where you could get more information on finding quality Ark hosting solutions. People who do not pay attention to details here end up frustrated. If you do not want to be one of those frustrated customers, then you will need to do your homework trying to understand the server strengths before signing up.

Before signing up, you should be clear about your own requirements. You should have basic details such as how many players could connect to the server at any given point of time whether the server should be a public server or a private server and server location. You will be able to make the right choices only when you have adequate information on the implications of the choices you make. It is important that you do not make random choices here and if you do, you would end up in regret.

Paying attention to all these details may be overwhelming the first time, once you made enough research and understood the dynamics involved, you will know what to do from the next time.

Use The Magic Of AI To Enhance Your Photos!

Photography today has become a staple in everyone’s lives. We capture more moments with our cameras than we do with our minds and eyes, and with good reason. Photos are immortal memories that can stay with us for as long as we like. They contain the moments of happiness that we spent, the jot that we experienced and the faces of our loved ones over which our hearts melt. Understandably so, everyone wants the perfect photo today. And a picture enhancer helps you get exactly that.

With selfies, filters and edits prevailing in today’s world, taking photos has become somewhat of an everyday job. Whenever the waiter brings our food to us, our first thought is, “Wow, that looks fantastic, let me take a picture of it!” instead of “Let me have a quick taste!” Such is the impact of social media on us that photos have become an inseparable part of our lives.

photo enhancer
Role of tech in photography

In this era, technology has advanced at a pace too rapid to catch up to. Everywhere we see the latest cutting-edge technologies and methods being put to use to increase efficiency beyond any comparison. Even in the photography sector, many new cameras and equipment have made their way onto retailer’s shelves to help people click the perfect photo. After all, for some, photography is a job.

But not every photo one clicks can be a perfect one. This is where photo enhancers come in. Editing software, tools, and plugins are readily available today to help you make that 5/10 photo a perfect 10. With the advent of technology, machine learning and AI have become prevalent today. Such is the importance of this field that AI is now being put to use to create the best in class photo enhancers that your money can buy.

Why photo editing software has made life easy for photographers

Today’s editing tools and plugins do all the work for you. They make use of artificial intelligence algorithms to identify exactly what your photo needs to become a perfect one. Using some sophisticated algorithms and processes, photo enhancers today just need a button to be clicked, and there you go, it will tell you what all is to be done to improve your picture drastically! In most cases, the photo enhancer software will also do the needful at the click of a button!

Science has advanced so much that even photo editing which used to require hours and hours of toiling to churn out the best picture, now can be done within minutes! All thanks to AI and photo enhancers!

MLtek ArchiverFS New Release as Well As Other Software Products

NTFS from beginning to end with no limited storing mechanisms come organized to offer a reliable and simple, plus highly cost-effective answer for moving old files to 2nd tier storage such as SAN or NAS. Different from other file system software, MLtek does not attempt to be a quasi-document system of management and this company does not require any downtime at installing at each workstations or servers. The only functionality that is included already comes in the Windows operating system.

SAN or NAS device

If you have a spare NAS or SAN device that you just have in storage and would like to use as storage of your old files? Do you want to start a management system for hierarchical storage, but don’t have any place to accumulate your old files? Are you looking for some way to migrate all out of date and old files from your live file servers to the cloud? Are you making yourself ready for the new GDPR data protection rules and regulations and you need a file management answer? These are all situations for using ArchiverFS.


 Enables movement

Enables the movement of extremely old files from one UNC path to any device. Also on UNC path using a variety of measures such as file size, file age, and file types. The target can be:

  • NAS device
  • A VM
  • iSCSI volume
  • CIFS share
  • Store on the cloud on Azure, Google Cloud, and Amazon AWS

If the source as well as a target both are NTFS formatted and shared on the network, then it is possible for content to be migrated and managed between the two.

NTFS flat files and folders

It is not necessary when files (or even file metadata) need to be kept in either database or in some exclusive storage situation. This is vital as it gives scalability that is massive, and this makes MLtek’s product extremely resourceful. The biggest file system presently using this program has a size of 3.4 Petabytes and this is accomplished by using a single edition of Datacenter installed on a tiny VM with only 6GB of RAM and 4 vCPUs.

Direct Access

‘Direct File Access’ purpose is to give users access to content in an instant. Unlike other programs, a user clicks on a link that is left in place of a file all the IO goes straight from the user computer right to the file. There aren’t components or agents in the way, so users do not have to sit and wait for a file to be sent back to its live file system before being able to access it. The files that are ready to be returned to its place in the live system are sent back at the end of every day with a program subset called Daily Maintenance that runs during non-working hours. All the information stating where each file has been migrated from and to is kept in the file system itself using directory structures and the properties of the files.

Types of stubs

Types of several stubs are accessible to pick from and left behind in place of the files when migrating, and this also includes complete links that are seamless that perform precisely as the original file. Additionally, both folders and file level shortcuts have increased compatibility and are even accessible by Apple Macs with an add-in like “Win Shortcutter”.


This program has a unique ‘3 tier’ storage structure. This unique feature enables the creation of a true Hierarchical Storage System for a fraction of the cost of traditional solutions.

  • Installation is supported on every version of Windows software from 2003 server on, counting Server 2016 as well as Windows Storage Server.
  • Unified compatibility with compression in Windows, Windows De-duplication Server, Microsoft Server for Search, ‘Distributed File System’, repetition based on SDS.
  • File attributes and permissions that are one-hundred percent well-preserved always that is thanks to this use of pure NTFS for 2nd line file storage.
  • Unique Maintenance Job daily that yields latest used files back to live system of files and replicates the file and folder approvals from the live system to the 2nd place for online storage.
  • Full Unicode support for many sets of file system characters in the world including English, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi and more.

Different licenses

This program has a trial version and perpetual and subscription licenses are available. The subscription licenses are accessible for just over $1200 for two TB of file migrating for each TB migrated from live system of files to storage on 2nd line. There is no charge based on old data that is stored in storage on 2nd line– just the action of migrating the files.

Trial versions

Downloading a copy of trial versions comes with a free license allowing you to produce up to 5 jobs scheduled and there is no limit on the total number or size of files each job can process. Each time a job runs it will move up to 100 files, which is a perfect size for smaller distributions or those that look to take it for a test drive.

Incredible price

This all adds up to give enormous scalability at an unbelievable price. The customers come from an assortment of backgrounds plus everything from multi-billion-dollar multi-nationals to local governments, health authorities’ institution of education, and everything in between.

Latest version

The 3.460 version has been scheduled for February 2018. It includes some new features such as functionality that allows user tag files for archiving and supporting folder\project archiving to support our customers in the financial and legal sectors. This company spends time re-working the entire archiving engine to make it the fastest version that has been released, with the lowest RAM, CPU, and IO demands ever. These are the lowest of any archiving solution available. More about ArchiverFS please check this website.

Other software

Two other products for this company supports are Process Controller and IP Spider. IP Spider is currently in development and will be needing beta testers soon. If you are interested in beta testing or have experience doing this type of testing, please drop an email.

ArchiCAD VS Revit. Which BIM Software to Use?

Building Information Modeling – BIM is a standout amongst the most famous subjects in development. We can characterize it as a procedure helping us to oversee intricacy and enhance execution in development ventures. Rearranged, BIM is a procedure for making and dealing with the majority of the data on any undertaking – previously, amid and after development.

Revit via Autodesk and ArchiCAD by Graphisoft are the two greatest players in the market. This correlation amongst ArchiCAD and Revit will help engineers, proprietors and contractual workers to settle on а more advised choice.

ArchiCAD is the principal BIM programming for planners, made in 1984. Offering a suite of instruments for building plan and designing, this product empowers seeing the task through designing and visual outline of building`s insides and outsides. Then again, Revit is 4D BIM-able instrument which causes us to design all parts of a building venture, from configuration to development and past. Acknowledged in 2002, this product can be utilized by planners, developers, engineers, venture directors and the sky is the limit from there.


ArchiCAD`s UI is perhaps the principal thing that clients are adulating it for. It`s perfect and smooth and that`s possibly the motivation behind why ArchiCAD has a simpler expectation to absorb information, particularly for fashioners. While the UI can be tweaked in various ways, it has somewhat less adaptability than its rival. Revit highlights a UI that is exceedingly adjustable, supporting various methodologies for utilizing the product. It is somewhat confounded, as a result of its medium expectation to absorb information. Notwithstanding, Revit offers a more noteworthy level of adaptability to planners and designers.

Applied Design

Idea plan in ArchiCAD is decently easy to use, empowering push/pull demonstrating, moment and adjustable geometry and keen various expelling. Comparable, Revit highlights a theoretical outline which gives adaptability in the most punctual phases of a venture. This enables you to make geometry that later can be incorporated into your BIM venture.


Revit highlights an extensive variety of perspectives from which to approach your plan, for example, wireframe and straightforward surface. Each view can be controlled and controlled in a specific undertaking and can be appointed to the general view or determined to a classification or component. ArchiCAD has comparable visual styles as Revit, however, don`t have the limit with regards to applying perspectives to particular components.


Both, ArchiCAD and Revit have a strongly expansive suite of devices for rendering. They can create photorealist pictures of the inside and outside of your venture. The Ray Trace is a photorealist rendering mode that permits panning and zooming with your Revit demonstrate. When utilizing this visual style, the rendering begins at a lower determination yet rapidly expands its loyalty. In this manner, you can set helping, photographic introduction and foundation. ArchiCAD highlights CineRender, comparable apparatus to Ray Trace which enables you to change the light, shadow, surface, brilliance and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Step by step instructions to Choose the Best Inventory Management Software

Computerization is the exit from it. Sending a decent and hearty stock control framework programming will help you not just arrange the distribution center and diminish holding cost, however, will likewise help in sparing time, bringing down operational expenses and expanding effectiveness. In any case, with a plenty of Inventory System Solution accessible in the market, picking the best stock administration programming can be precarious. To make it less demanding for you, here is a rundown of things that a decent stock administration programming ought to have –

Stock Tracking:

While picking the best stock administration programming, ensure the product accompanies stock following element. It is one of the essential elements of such programming. This component won’t just let you track the stock in your distribution center yet will likewise keep you refreshed about got merchandise and number of satisfied transfers.

Distribution Center Management:

If you have stockrooms situated in various areas, overseeing them physically isn’t conceivable. While picking a product, you should ensure that it accompanies distribution center administration highlight. This element gives you a chance to monitor the stock level, oversee between distribution center exchange and produce reports of each stockroom, independent of their area


Price is a standout amongst the most critical things that you ought to consider when purchasing a product. There is various diverse programming for overseeing stock is accessible in the market extending from Rs. 1800 – Rs.2000 which can go up to Rs. 2 lakhs, contingent upon the functionalities they offer. You can pick a product relying on your business needs.

Announcing and Analytics:

A great stock administration arrangement accompanies detailing and investigation highlights. An investigation is a basic element since it gives an outline of the stockroom and in addition the stock accessible, giving you a chance to settle on better business choices. So also, revealing tells you about request and supply of a specific item and decide the stock prerequisite.

Information Importing and Exporting:

Most of you may utilize spreadsheets or free-online device to deal with the stock. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you are intending to send a strong framework for dealing with the stock, ensure the product you pick accompanies information bringing in and trading highlight. This will give you a chance to import or fare information that you have been keeping up. Likewise, the product must be fit for putting away the information in a similar arrangement that you have been keeping up.