One Can Access Their Desktop from Anywhere Around the World

The remote desktop protocol (RDP) belongs to the family of protocols that allows users to remotely connect visually to one computer using another computer. They are capable of providing visual channels carrying data, communication, information, and application to multiple users, at the same time. The data and the visuals can be delivered in real-time to multiple partners simultaneously. It is a technical standard for accessing a desktop computer remotely. Organizations buy RDP because it can be used in all kinds of operators which allows their workforce to work from anywhere around the world.

Properties of RDP

RDP has taken the world by revolution, one can be anywhere and still visually access the desktop in real-time. This factor has made the protocol very popular and also in demand for companies and their employees. The properties of RDP include:

  • Applications on a remote desktop can be run on the user’s devices.
  • They enable multiple users to access a single workstation
  • Printer and port can be used in the remote desktop session to access local ports and devices.
  • Local files can be redirected and accessed on a remote desktop.
  • Audio can also be transmitted back and forth the devices.

Advantages of the RDP

RDP allows one to enjoy the freedom of working from anywhere around the world or while simply sitting at home. The work done is in real-time also the application run, files opened can be visualized in real-time. Multiple users are allowed to access a single workstation yet the workstation remains secured with locks and unauthorized accesses.

One does not need to be physically present to access a desktop, every tasks of administration, configuration, troubleshooting, etc. can be performed remotely. Microsoft implemented it only on the windows operating system in the beginning, they can now be implemented in the other operating system too.

Benefits of RDP

Organization and companies buy RDP for the following benefits:

  • They help to increase productivity
  • They will typically help to save money since employees can bring their own devices to the workplace.
  • They allow one to have better control over their data and application.


The remote desktop protocol helps one to access computers from a different location. The organization buy RDP so that their employees from anywhere around the world can perform the tasks as if one was just physically present. They have several benefits and are also more secured than other protocols.