All You Need To Know About Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is commonly associated with Bitcoin and other forms of cryptocurrencies. There is a belief that Blockchain technology could end up changing a host of important sectors from education, to healthcare, to politics, etc.

The blockchain is effectively a database that is validated by a wider community rather than a central authority. It is a collection of records that a crowd oversees and maintains. It doesn’t depend on a single body like the government or bank.

Each “block” represents a number of transactional records and the “chain” component connects them all together with a Hash Function(a function used to map data of arbitrary size to data of fixed size).

As records are created, they are confirmed by a distributed network of computers and paired up with the previous entry in the chains, thereby forming a Blockchain. Make sure to update yourself on Bitcoin news.

The entire Blockchain is retained on this large network of computers thus making no one in control over its history. This is an important component because it certifies everything that has happened in the chain. This makes the Blockchain a public ledger that cannot be easily tampered with.

This as well makes the Blockchain a hub for the maintenance of the variety of information. An organization called Follow My Vote is making attempts to use an electronic voting system that is more secure than modern versions.

A paper published in 1796 titled “New Directions In Cryptography”, discussed the idea of a mutual distributed ledger which is what the Blockchain efficiently act as. It was later built upon in the 1990s.

The Blockchain employs complicated calculations. This makes it quite expensive to own, and operate. Bitcoin thus acts as the starting point for the introduction of Blockchain technology because it could reward those taking part in the process with something of financial value.

Bitcoin made its debut in 2009 bringing together the classic idea of the mutual distributed ledger, the Blockchain, with an entirely digital currency that wasn’t controlled by any individual, firm or organization.

Although alternative currencies like the Bitcoin uses Blockchain technology, they do so in a different manner. Since Bitcoin was first introduced, it has undergone a few tweaks at the behest of its core developers and the community at large.

In the case of Bitcoin, a new block in its Blockchain is created roughly every ten minutes. That block verifies and records née transactions that have occurred. The problem that is known to occur however with Bitcoin is that in recent months, as the number of Bitcoin transactions increases, the relatively-hard 10-minutes block creation time means that it can take longer to confirm all the transactions and backlogs can occur.

Blockchain technology has a lot of exciting potentials but a lot of things have to be considered and checked before we push Blockchain technology as the technology for the future. There is the problem of constant electricity, especially in developing countries. Though the exact power requirement of Blockchain technology is difficult to ascertain, it is compared to developing countries in its current state.

Transaction speed is also an issue. Blockchain used for other purposes other than cryptocurrency can also have this challenge. Most times, the transaction time for Bitcoin exceeds 41 hours and this can prove problematic.

Migrating to a new database

Database migration involves the movement of the database between different computer systems or DBMS. There are many reasons why companies migrate from one database to the other. They are:

  • Maintenance or upgrade of the system
  • Replacement of server hardware
  • Data center relocation
  • Update of an application environment

Generally, the process of migration constitutes the transfer of the properties, objects, and categories of the database – constraints, data, indexes, roles and permissions, stored procedures and functions, table definitions, triggers, and user accounts.

By using special software, the migration to a new database can be fully automated or implemented. But here are the steps involved in the manual configuration process:

  1. In the form of SQL statements, table definitions are exported from the source database. This is done without leaving out the corresponding constraints and indexes.
  2. Conversion of the SQL statements into the target format. Upon conversion, the statements are imported into the destination database.
  3. An intermediate storage such as comma separated values (CSV) accept the exported data from source tables.
  4. Before loading the data onto target tables, the data is transformed in line with that of the destination format.
  5. Extraction of views and stored procedures and functions in form of SQL statements and codes from the original database.
  6. Conversion of statements and codes into the target format. These are loaded onto the destination database.

To ensure that data has been transferred accurately, verification of new system is important to validate migrated the database. However, for corresponding applications, it is important to check that data integrity and appropriate supports for each application. Furthermore, dedicated software is used for automation of database migration and the corresponding process flow. But it may be difficult to find database migration tool that is not associated with loss of data or data corruption; that too in a specific time frame. The main features that should be supported include:

  • Support for modern versions of database management – both source and destination and their branches.
  • Conversion of all primary database entities – data, indexes, constraints, ad table definitions – using necessary attributes.
  • Storage of conversion settings into a profile. This is used in the next run of migration of database.
  • Additional features for customization of names, conversion rules, types mapping, and so on.
  • Command line support for scripting and automation of the process of migration.
  • Round-the-clock support service and adequate tutorials.

Automation of database migration can be done by several software vendors. Amongst this group of people is Intelligent Converters. Having worked in the field of database conversion for years, they have the right skill set to take care of all database migration processes. Asides that, they have all necessary tools that cater to the migration of database. The most popular DMBS they deal with includes Azure SQL, MS Access, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, Oracle, and FoxPro.

Frequently Asked Questions about SEO Finally Answered

If you want to establish an online presence for your business, one sure-fire way of achieving that is using SEO. While you may have been hearing a lot about the term there is a very good chance that you might not really have inkling about what it is, how it works, and why it is truly important.

Understanding SEO and why you need it

SEO is considered a discipline in marketing that is focused towards growing the visibility of your site in organic SERPs or search engine results. It involves both the creative and technical elements that are needed in order to improve a site’s ranking, drive traffic to it, as well as increase the awareness of search engines to its presence.

There are numerous aspects of SEO. For instance, it has something to do with the words and content used on your page as well as the other sites link towards your pages on the web. There are also times when it is all about making sure that your site is structured in a manner that is understandable to search engines so it will rank.

It is also important to understand that SEO is not only involved with making a website that is search engine-friendly. It also involves making sure that the site is able to better serve its users too.

Why your website should be optimized

Majority of the online is courtesy of major search engines. They are unique in a way where they provide specific or targeted traffic, this means people that are looking for what it is that you have to offer. They are considered the roadways that will make it possible for users to find your site. This is why if you have a website that is not optimized; it means that it may not be able to add any of your content to its database. This translates to you missing out on opportunities to get traffic driven to your site.

Why sites should be optimized

While it is true that search engines are designed to be smart, they do need a lot of help. If your site is not structured in a language that search engines will understand, there is a very good chance that you will not be added to its database. This means that you will not get ranked on its search results. When your site is optimized, it is easier for the search engines to direct traffic to your end, increasing your online visibility in the process.

Is it doable on your own?

It is important to understand that SEO is quite complex. But this does not mean that you should not be able to do it by yourself, understanding the basics and its core elements will be important to pull it off. However, most businesses today choose to hire SEO experts to do the work for them. You can do the same thing. Just make sure to find a credible, reliable, and experienced company, with a credible portfolio of their accomplishments to show.

Learn more about SEO and its importance to your business by reading about Mason Soiza online.